FinTech SEO strategy in 2023

Taisiia Ovchinnikova Taisiia Ovchinnikova marketing manager
  • 15 min
  • 244
  • 02.08.2023

As we enter the second half of the year, it is important for fintech businesses to stay ahead of the latest marketing strategy trends in order to keep up with the competition and reach their target audience effectively.

The fintech sector is growing at lightning speed, and businesses are competing to grab the consumers’ attention within all the current marketing restrictions that are imposed on this industry. To achieve this, it's essential to have an effective SEO and digital marketing strategy that includes link building, Barnacle SEO, and Private Blog Network (PBN). Keep reading to learn more about these strategies and how to use them to promote fintech products.

In this article, we will examine the best strategy for fintech marketing and paid ads, highlighting the most successful and innovative approaches that companies are using to capture the attention of their intended audience.

SEO is essential in any marketing campaign because it helps to improve your website’s visibility and increase your brand’s reach. Here are some effective SEO strategies to promote your fintech products.

  1. Target Your Audience

    To attract the right audience, you need to understand and know them better. This means researching and identifying what keywords they are using in their online search processes. Once you have these keywords, use them on your website’s content and other online platforms to attract valuable traffic to your website through content marketing.

  2. Optimize Your Website Content

    Ensure your website content is engaging, informative, and easy to read. You can optimize your website content by playing with your target keywords in the content’s headline, body, and meta descriptions. Optimize your images with alt tags, too — this a crucial part that a lot of digital marketing specialists seem to forget.

  3. Speed Up Your Website

    A slow-loading website can negatively impact user experience, and may decrease your site’s ranking and visibility. As a fintech company, speed is crucial to holding your audience’s attention. You can speed up your site by reducing the size of media files, enabling browser caching, and optimizing images. Basically — if your website is slow, no amount of brilliant marketing can compete with the lead’s impatience.

  4. Leverage Social Media

    Social media marketing is an effective way to reach your target audience and promote your fintech products. Share your blog posts, announcements, and updates regularly and engage with your audience through different social platforms.

Barnacle SEO

This is a technique that helps you get your business listing on popular online directories or other authority sites. The goal is to improve your website’s visibility and traffic. You can do this by creating a business listing on Google My Business and Yelp, among others.

To maximize the benefits of Barnacle SEO, it’s essential to optimize your business listing. Add your business address and contact information, add photos, and mention your niche in the description. This will make it easier for Google to identify you as an authority in fintech and recommend you to potential customers as part of your marketing strategy.

Link Building

Link building involves getting external links from other reputable websites back to your site. This improves your website’s domain authority, ranking, and visibility. Here are effective link-building strategies to promote your fintech products.

  1. Guest Posting

    Guest posting is a strategy where you create high-quality content for other websites or blogs in your niche, and in return, these sites link back to your website. Ensure your guest post content provides valuable information to the readers and fits the blog or site’s tone.

  2. Broken Link Building

    Broken link building is a strategy that involves finding broken links on a relevant site, and providing the webmaster with an updated, relevant link. This strategy is a win-win, as you get to build authority through link building, while the webmaster gets useful information to replace their broken link.


PBN is a more long term marketing tool. It involves creating a network of authoritative websites that link back to your main website. This helps to improve your website’s ranking, visibility, and domain authority. Although it’s effective, PBN is a risky strategy, as search engines may penalize you if they discover your PBN network.

If you decide to use PBN, ensure the sites are relevant to your niche, and avoid using spammy, low-quality sites. Also, ensure the content is unique, high-quality, and informative.

SEO, Barnacle SEO, Link Building, and PBN strategies are effective ways to promote fintech products, and they are crucial in any online marketing campaign. However, it’s crucial to be consistent, use high-quality content, and stay up-to-date with the ever-changing search engine algorithm for such a strategy to bring good results.

Don’t say no to Paid Traffic

Focus on Educational Content

Instead of purely promoting your product, create content that educates your target audience on the benefits of your fintech product. This could include blog posts, infographics, and whitepapers that explain complex financial concepts or showcase the advantages of your product. Educational content is less likely to trigger platform restrictions, and it positions your brand as an authority in the industry.

Educational content plays a vital role in the marketing strategy of fintech companies. In the highly competitive fintech industry, it’s essential to keep your customers informed about your products and services. Educational content is an excellent way of doing this. This type of content marketing helps customers learn about the latest industry trends and how different fintech products can benefit them. Knowledgeable customers are more likely to use your products and services, and they are also more likely to keep coming back.

Fintech companies can use several educational content formats, including videos, whitepapers, blog posts, webinars, and ebooks in their marketing communications. These formats can help inform potential clients about the fintech company’s approach, values, and goals. They also help create trust with potential customers, as they know that they are informed about the company’s products and services. With the right educational content strategy, a fintech company can position itself as a thought leader in the industry, which is essential in earning customers’ trust and loyalty.

Overall, fintech companies need to develop a solid educational content strategy to attract potential customers and retain their existing clientele. When done right, educational content provides a platform for creating a strong link with the target audience, increasing their knowledge of the fintech industry, and building trust with potential customers by means of content marketing. By developing educational content and consistently delivering it to customers, fintech companies can create a brand that is recognized for understanding, innovation, and customer support — all with the help of quality educational content marketing. Ultimately, this leads to increased interest, more conversions, and continued success for the company.

Use Lookalike Audiences

Lookalike audiences in marketing help you reach users who are similar to your current customers. This can increase the likelihood of conversions and reduce the chances of your ads getting blocked. Platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn offer lookalike audience targeting options that use data such as user behavior, demographics, and interests to find similar users to your current customers.

Leverage Video Ads

Video ads are an effective way to engage potential customers, but they should be informative and entertaining. You can use videos, as a part of your marketing mix, to showcase your product and explain how it works in detail. Videos also work well on most platforms and can increase engagement rates, leading to better conversions.

Explore Paid Search

Paid search can be an effective way to reach users who are actively searching for fintech products related to your offering. Google AdWords and Bing Ads let you target specific keywords and phrases, enabling your ads to appear when users search for terms related to your product.

Use Retargeting

Retargeting campaigns allow you to reach users who have already interacted with your fintech product. This can include users who have visited your website or social media pages, engaged with your content, or added items to their cart but did not complete the purchase. This approach can increase the chances of conversion since these users have already shown an interest in your product.

The above strategies can help you successfully market your fintech products using paid traffic while working within the current platform restrictions. By focusing on educational content, using lookalike audiences, leveraging video ads, exploring paid search, and using retargeting campaigns, you can increase your chances of reaching potential customers and increase your marketing based conversions.

Content & Communication Style

  1. Video marketing

    Video marketing has become increasingly popular in recent years and continues to be a trend in the fintech industry. Videos are a great way to showcase products or services, provide valuable financial advice, and engage with audiences. Videos can be shared on social media platforms such as YouTube, LinkedIn, and Facebook and can help drive traffic to a company’s website. According to a Cisco report, online videos will make up 82% of all consumer internet traffic by 2022.

  2. Personalization

    Personalization has become a key factor in the success of a fintech marketing strategy. By tailoring the message and content to the individual, businesses can connect with their target audience in a more meaningful way, creating a better experience for the user. Through effective data analysis, fintech businesses can create personalized recommendations, promotions, or content based on user behavior and preferences. The best marketing decisions are always dictated by the user data.

  3. Influencer marketing

    Influencer marketing is another trend that has gained popularity in the fintech industry. More and more fintech companies are partnering with influencers to reach their target audience. Influencers can help create brand awareness, increase engagement, and drive sales. However, it is important to choose influencers who have a genuine interest and understanding of the fintech industry and the target audience.

  4. Chatbots

    Chatbots are becoming an increasingly popular tool for fintech companies. Chatbots offer 24/7 customer support and help customers with simple queries such as balance inquiries, transactions, and account information. Chatbots can help reduce the workload of customer service teams and can provide a more efficient and engaging experience for customers.

  5. Omni-channel marketing

    Omni-channel marketing is a trend that has been gaining momentum over the past few years. With the rise of mobile and digital channels, it is important for fintech businesses to offer a seamless customer experience across all channels, including social media, mobile apps, and websites. By creating an integrated omni-channel approach, businesses can better engage with their audience and increase customer loyalty.


These trends are just a few of the many marketing strategies that fintech businesses can implement. By staying up-to-date with the latest trends and innovations, fintech companies can reach their target audience more effectively and create a memorable customer experience.

All of the current fintech marketing strategy and paid ads trends are focused on providing personalized, value-driven experiences for customers. 

In other words, right now, fintech companies are utilizing social media marketing and targeted ads to reach their audience and build brand awareness.With the increasing use of technology and data analytics, fintech companies are able to create more effective and efficient ad campaigns. 

However, it is important to note that building trust and credibility with consumers is key for the success of any fintech marketing strategy. In order to stay competitive and relevant in the industry, fintech companies must continue to adapt and innovate their marketing strategies to meet the evolving needs and expectations of their customers.

Why do we write about this?

The growth of demand for tech-knowledgeable product marketing has been exponential in recent years. With the rise of technology and digital marketing capabilities, businesses are constantly seeking marketing professionals who have a solid understanding of technical tools and platforms. 

In order to meet this demand, companies are investing in upskilling their marketing teams, creating targeted training programs, and hiring individuals with technical backgrounds. This shift towards tech-savvy marketing strategies emphasizes the importance of agility, data analysis, automation, and personalization. 

As the field of marketing continues to evolve, it is increasingly imperative for professionals to be well-versed in areas such as SEO, web analytics, integrated marketing, social media, and mobile optimization. By developing a robust technical skillset, marketers can help their organizations build stronger digital customer experiences, optimize their digital channels, and ultimately, drive business success.

Our goal is to make all this information open-sourced and educate as many up and coming marketing specialists as we can.

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